

Broken and lost,
three years I wandered
my lonely desert
seeking the way out.

At last, I came to know
that desert was my heart.

I wept for the desolation
that I had become.

My tears fell upon
that parched waste
within me.

Like spring rain,
they dropped
upon that wasteland
in my heart.

Letting go my pride,
I was kissed by grace.

Flowers blossomed
where sand and thorns
had ruled.

The fertile magic
of surrender.

To find
the way out,
you must discover
the way in.

New life.
A life.
- mce


  1. This made my heart leap.
    Amazing how these things are so crucial and yet sometimes completely unexplored and unknown for entire lifetimes.
    These poems are the morning blossoms that keep me up. Thank you.

  2. Thank you very much Julia. Do I know you?

  3. beautiful--well spoken--oh that each of us could take the time to look within--without the fear of what we might find--and tears if only we would remember that they can and do water our souls. Thank you Lord for tears and grace and the choice to surrender.
